I've thrown a few random pictures in this post for you, but it's really about the song. Everyday I'm delighted to join my Papua New Guinean brothers and sisters in honoring the British/Australian custom of stopping for tea (coffee!) at 10am and 3pm. And everyday that I have the sense to abandon my desk (and my American workaholicism) and head over to the industrial shop, I praise the Lord—literally! This is one of my favorite songs lately. Amos and Lemech are playing guitar and singing, and I'm playing the cajon (a box drum) in the background. Jose Bena composed this song in Tok Pisin (our regional trade language), but the second half of this recording was translated into Gadsup by Amos and Lemech, which is their tok ples (the language of their people group—could be an entire region or just a village).
Around here orchids can be found growing on just about anything. I found this beauty climbing up a lime tree in our backyard.
Kristi said the other day that the seasons around here could be marked by the bugs that are in abundance at the time. Well, right now it's the giant brown butterfly season.