Well, we have been in Papua New Guinea for over 8 months now. We have had our entire perspective of life as we knew it turned upside-down in that time. We gave away most everything that we had previously toiled to collect, and transplanted our family to the other side of the globe. Many of you got excited with us from the start, and many of you struggled with "Why?". Well, here is a small glimpse at what I (John) have been up to, and why we jumped through all the hoops that we did to be here.
We are their support team. You are their support team!
Please pray for them and their work in East New Britain. We will miss them dearly! (as you can see from Millie's face below)
They too are why we are here.
God is changing people all over Papua New Guinea through His Word. These are two pictures from a baptism that I went to in a nearby village where one of my CAM guys lives. My friend, my brother, Naneka was one of over 100 people that got baptized that day. God is stirring the hearts of this community now with His Word. He wants to redeem this country for Himself. We long to see this happen in this place—our home now. That's what we are doing and that's why we are here. Thank you so much for being a part of God's work way over here in PNG!