I would like to begin this blog post with a thank you and then an offer!
First of all, thanks to New City Church for hosting Global Conversations: Papua New Guinea with us this month (hopefully the first of many—connecting with missions across the globe!). It was wonderful to see so many familiar faces via Zoom and tell you all about some of the wild things that God is doing over here, AND answer some of your questions. What a blessing!
Second, we loved it! It was so much fun. We are certainly on the outskirts over here, and that was admittedly only the second time that either Kristi or I had used Zoom. Now we just want to do it again! So here is my offer: Would your church, Sunday School class, small group Bible study, family reunion, carpool, etc. like to host us virtually? We won’t be back in America until the end of this year, but we could be on a screen near you as soon as you ask! I’m just sure that some of you have questions about our anti-normal life. Did I mention that we haven’t been to the first world since 2019? Were we even aware of a global pandemic? These questions must haunt you, and we would love to satisfy your curiosity.
Note: we are 14 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time, so the only great time window is generally 6-9pm EST.
And as a bonus… Sivauna pictures!
I just got back from East New Britain again where I had the honor of working alongside some great people for the Mamusi Bible translation project where the Wade family serves. For the full story, I would check this post out from Aaron Wade first, and then come back for more of my pics:
And maybe this glossary of terms will help you out:
New Britain: The largest island to the right of mainland PNG
East New Britain: The eastern province on the above mentioned island
Rano: a coastal town on the bottom side of New Britain, approx. in the middle
Mamusi: the name of the language spoken in the area where we were working
Sivauna: the name of the village where the Wades live and work—a hub for the Mamusi translation project.
Rice: the name of mama’s pig, because he likes eating leftover rice.
Here’s a little Mamusi for you and a little Tok Pisin…
“Car that belongs to the work of turning talk (Bible translation)”
Okay, last thing…
My family likes to give me a hard time because I always come back from anywhere with tons of pictures of flowers, trees, bugs, moths, rainbows… you get the idea. Well, enjoy these!