First of all, thanks for the overwhelming outpouring of love, prayers, and encouragement that we have received from so many of you—some people that we haven’t even met before, or yet! Since so many of you have been asking me for an update on my jaw, I’m going to blast it here on the blog.
I just got the results today for the biopsy that I had 2 weeks ago. I have a keratocyst that stretches about three teeth wide starting in the back where my wisdom tooth used to be. It’s currently surrounding a nerve that runs the length of my jaw, so they advised that I shouldn’t have it removed yet given its current size. The first step will be to have a tube installed in the next couple of weeks that will allow the cyst to drain (eww, sorry!) and shrink in size over the next 6-8 months. Once it is smaller and hopefully recedes from around the nerve, they will remove the cyst. Hopefully all that was informative without being too gross :) We are praising God that this wasn’t cancerous or too complicated!
So what does that mean for our furlough? By God’s grace we will be here in the US for a mere nine months, see you all for visits and stories very soon, and be back to work in Papua New Guinea in the Summer of 2019 without delay. We would really like to see you all while we are here, please let us know if you would like to plan a time to get together.
And of course, here are some pics from the last month…