Well, we have spent much of the last week trading stomach illnesses from person to person and family to family, but here are some of the highlights from the week still. Kristi took these first few photos on a hike that John missed out on :(
Sorry in advance, but it looks like Banner succeeded in eluding the camera again this week. We promise that he is still alive and having fun!
Nori with fellow missionary Mike Oak on her first ride back from Kainantu, our closest town. Her prize find was this stalk of sugar cane for 40 toya (about $0.15).
Millie loves wearing Nori's bilum (BEE-loom) around just like the other Papua New Guinean ladies. They are both stylish and functional!
Surely the saddest part of our week was seeing our friends from the Translators Training Courses (TTC) go, but we were proud of all the graduates!
Phil King teaching everyone about making locally driven translation projects sustainable, at the TTC graduation.
Graduates from TTC 1 celebrating in song for everyone.
We've been cooking a good bit lately in preparation for our 3 week stay in a village at the end of the course.
Fruits and vegetables grow like weeds here, it is incredible. The cabbages and carrots especially are the largest that I have ever seen (and with no fertilizer or genetic modification!). And yes, there is pineapple at every meal, seriously.
Believe it or not, we have a volunteer fire department in this little community—complete with an old Japanese fire truck (which is pretty cool, see below). We got to see them hose this van carcass that they set on fire for practice. Good clean fun! I think that they might try to recruit me...
If we are being honest, this is what the bulk of our days look like though. Lots of language learning and anthropology (which we love!). Our teachers have been a tremendous blessing!