Ready to explore PA!
Uncle Jim would be proud! When this gentleman learned we were from North Carolina he asked Nori if she knew of any battles that where fought during the Revolutionary War there... when she replied "the battle of Kings Mtn. and the battle of Cowpens" and told him of how they where the turning point of the war, you could tell he was surprised! He pulled out his wallet and gave her a colonial $7 bill!
This is the room where a lot of big decisions were made in Independence Hall. We were most excited to see the chair with the rising sun that George Washington sat in during the creation of our Constitution!
At Betsy Ross's house.
Oh the joy that took place as we actually got to meet "Betsy Ross"! She taught us how to cut a perfect five pointed star. Who knew she was still living?!
Giving Daddy the big eyes..."Please can't we keep the kitty?"
Learning all about Benjamin Franklin's printing press.
Finally got in to see the Liberty Bell :)
Proof that John was here too... no we did not buy these glasses!
Ending our time in PA pumping it up with Rocky!
After a long fun day we drove to Baltimore to visit with our Aunt Tina and Uncle Adam :)
Thanks to Capt. Dave who really knows what number of hotdogs this is for Millie! LOL!
With about an hour left on our 15 day (3,126 miles) trip Millie decides this would be the perfect time for her to take her first nap in the car of the whole trip! Banner soon followed, but Nori maintained her perfect nap-free record.