Millie trying to keep her hair out of her eyes.
Niagara Falls from the boat.
Falls family photo.
Here is a view of some of the falls... just to give you an idea of how big it really is, see those blue dots in the bottom left of the photo? Those are people.
Nori at a lookout point.
Enjoying the view.
We were super hungry after our long day so we went off to eat dinner at The Griffon.
Hands down, this was the best meal of our trip... wish i was writing this from one of their tables now. mmmmmmm!
* We are home. We got back a few days ago from the Awesome trip. After Ohio Kristi's phone died and John was having trouble just getting online, so sorry the trip posts just stopped so abruptly! So we are picking up where we left off so we can all enjoy that last week together :)