God is good! Our friends, the Ernandes family, made it to Ukarumpa on Tuesday. As I write this they are enjoying their first nights sleep,
in their new home,
in a real bed,
for the first time since January!
Ukarumpa is the Mission Center they will be stationed at while in PNG. (same as us)
They have completed their three month Pacific Orientation Course, that included a 4 week stay in a local village. Here are some photos they shared with us of their time there. We wanted to share these with you as it might be a small glimpse into what life will be like for us so soon! I hope you enjoy them as much as we did!
If you want to learn more about the Ernandes family and their journey, go to www.facebook.com/ErnandesFamilyPapuaNewGuinea
Stephanie and Gabriele helping get ready for a celebration (like Thanksgiving) of the first taro that you pull out of your new garden for the year.
Their home in the village.
Gabriele, Wasmama (watch mama), and Stephanie bring back food from the garden in their bilum bags. The belum is used to carry all sorts of things from food to babies, and you carry it on your head!
James helping with a building project.
Stephanie and James the last night in the village, covered in gifts made for them by all their new friends. Do you think you would look so good after 4 weeks in the jungle? Look at God's joy radiate!
Stephanie, James, and Ethan in the truck on the way to their new home in Ukarumpa!