Off we go, right down memory lane. We are attending a Camp Oak Hill Reunion this weekend in Raleigh. John worked there for a number of years through college, and then when we met he was the Program Director, so he has a lot of fun memories of this place! For me the best memory of Camp Oak Hill, and why it will always hold a special place in my heart, is our wedding. To date I believe it is still the only wedding ever held there. So on this "flashback Friday", we will go back almost 10 years ago, to one of the best life-changing decisions I ever made!
John and the fellas.
Kristi and the gals, umbrellas turned out to be a good idea with tropical depression Gaston visiting.
With Chris Bristow after the wedding... note how wet John is :)
it stopped raining when i started to walk down the aisle.
The rest of the night was beautiful... only wish we had been able to keep the reception outside too!
Cutting the cake... that we got none of!